Stefan Gunnesch - IN PROGRESS

Stefan Gunnesch - IN PROGRESS

Artist Books

We cordially invite you to our opening on
Thursday, 3 September 2020, 7 - 9 pm!

Searching for identity, descending into the depths, surging into space, fooling around with real things, exploring the past ‒ all of this, in the broadest textual and visual sense, can be found in the artist books of Stefan Gunnesch. 
When looking at the good two dozen artist books he has created in less than ten years, it is already possible to organize them into groups of works, groups that at first sight are surprising in their variety, but are nevertheless deeply related. From reflective searching for one's identity, it is not far to exploring the unconscious of Sigmund Freud. From which Gunnesch’s conceptual works form a cathartic contrast that feels like an appeal: “Open up, my friend!”

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog (german/engl.)

Stefan Gunnesch: Catalog "IN PROGRESS


Arthur Rimbaud: Alchemie du Verbe – Voyelles
Arthur Rimbaud: Alchemie du Verbe – Voyelles

Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Ein Brief
Hugo von Hofmannsthal: A Letter

Stefan Gunnesch: Etwas, das die Erinnerung umrandet
Stefan Gunnesch: Something that frames the memory

Stefan Gunnesch / Yoko Ono: Container - Water Sculpture
Stefan Gunnesch / Yoko Ono: Container - Water Sculpture

Sigmund Freud - Installation zum Buch Hysteria
Sigmund Freud - Installation "Hysteria"
(The Freud-Museum next door reopened!)

A detailed list of the works in the show is available on
We look forward to your visit!
Susanne Padberg

The 50 book movies to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the gallery can be found in the archive.

Galerie Druck und Buch

Galerie DRUCK & BUCH

Susanne Padberg

Berggasse 21/2
(Neben dem wieder eröffneten Freud-Museum)
A - 1090 Vienna

+43 1 586 68 54 14
+43 664 7657361


Dauer der Ausstellung

4. - 25. September 2020

Mo - Fr 11 - 18 u.n.V.